Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Police Misconduct : NYPD Stop and Frisk. Is it Bias? Can it be a form of Misconduct?

The NYPD also known as "New Yorks Finest" is The largest Police Force in the United States Of America. "Securing" the 5 boroughs of New York City, the NYPD has over 35,280 Police Officers and 4,500 Auxilary Officers.
The NYPD performed 575,304 "stop-and-frisk" patdowns last year, which is about 16 pat-downs per officer, the most since the numbers have been released in 2002. While it was an 8 percent jump from 2008, the percentage for each racial demographic stayed about the same. 55 percent of those stopped last year were black, 32 percent Hispanic, 10 percent white and 3 percent Asian.
Is it logical to say that the NYPD performs "stop-and-frisks" biasly? The Numbers my speak for its self. 316,417 of the 575,304 stopped and frisked are African American. This would mean that 9 out of every 16 pat-downs that each officer performed, was on an African American.  184,097; 5 out of every 16, were Hispanic. Many people would say that African-Americans/Blacks and Hispanics are primary targets of the NYPD.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Police Misconduct (The Rising Questions)

(1) What is Considered to be "Police Misconduct?"

(2) What are your legal rights against law enforcement?

(3) When is a police officer or law enforcement official allowed to use physical force? How far are they allowed to go?

(4) Is it true that Law enforcement targets a particular group of people more than others? What are the statistics?

(5) If a police officer uses excessive force, what should the victim do?

(6) How are Police officers and Law enforcement officials peanilized for using excessive force?

(7) Is it logical to say that police officers get away with breaking the law without any consequences? Is it true that the sheild  gives a green light to commit a crime